Tuesday, July 3, 2007


ten minutes.. and I am done...with reading the paper..:-).The Hindu to be more specific.Don't look forward to get my hands on a crisp paper first thing in teh morning ..hell..nowadays it makes no difference even if it reaches me in a thoroughly crumpled up state..
"That is the headline..?? "is my first reaction on most of the days..local news is borderline crap..The only thing useful there is a tiny column on one edge giving prior notice about a power shutdown later that day.. helps keep ready a list of curses for usage at the time of need..
international news section. well..more than anythin else ...thanks to them I learnt a lot more about Shaha Riza and Paul Wolfowitz s relationship and Paris Hilton s living conditions in jail..than about Darfur..
Unless of course I went into a state of induced coma durin those specific intervals.. to the best of my knowledge ..dont think there has ever been this extensive a media coverage( wood pulp medium inclusive)..or mudslinging for that matter for a presidential election...
yeah. . go on .. devote pages and time slots for an election where the public is not even gonna vote..
grade the sections in the paper as worthy of read and the Opinions page wins hands down. its the only place where individuals get to voice their views..teh crossie page comes in a close second.. but then .. because I am able to crack an ok number of clues on a daily basis.. I am guessin its quality is going down too..:)..
its kinda irritating especially wen one has all the time in the world with nothin even vaguely constructive to do for the time being and is trying to keep away from sittin and staring at nothin and.. become a gyaani in current affairs at the same instant..:) ..
must admit though..sometimes I do feel that all the time spent drooling in front of the computer is the reason why the newspaper.. and the media in general appears so drab...but then an occassional gem like this
helps reaffirm the faith I have in my existing frame of thought..:-)


X said...

keep writing,
good style.
change the blog template tho,or tweak it a bit.

archana said...
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Anonymous said...

Funny interesting start as well as good ending.Spellings (the internet shortcuts) need to be worked upon.Other than that ideas resembled a flow ! keep up the spirit

archana said...

@sri tatsat mishra

point taken.. but then postin online has to have some advantages to speak of..:-)